10 brain exercises for a sharp mind

To lead a healthy and well-balanced life, it’s not enough to engage in physical activity; we need to make sure we remain mentally sharp as well.

How brain exercises sharpen the mind

The brain is made up of various areas that control specific bodily functions and shape how we think, act, and feel. When we challenge parts of our brain, it expands its capacity. This results in a phenomenon called neuroplasticity, which helps you become more focused, alert, and positive.

Brain exercises are also believed to stave off age-related memory lapses and alleviate the symptoms or delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Here are 10 of the many ways you can sharpen your mind and boost your brain power.

  1. Switch up your daily routine

    When we do things automatically because of routine, our actions no longer simulate our brain. That’s why altering your daily routine makes a difference. Simple actions such as waking up earlier, eating a healthy breakfast instead of skipping it altogether, taking the stairs, or establishing new behaviors can go a long way in keeping you alert.

  2. Learn something new

    Learning a new language or skill, or taking on a new hobby benefits the brain by stimulating new connections between its neurons. You can also help the process along by eating food that is unfamiliar to you or traveling to a place you’ve never been to before.

  3. Sketch from memory

    Many studies have shown that drawing maps and items from memory allows us to remember them better. It also improves our overall ability to recall things. If you’re visiting a new area, walk around and then draw a map of your route.

  4. Go in a different direction

    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But if you want to improve your brain power, take the scenic route. When you take the road often traveled, your brain goes into autopilot. Taking an alternative route keeps you alert to exits and landmarks.

  5. Switch to your non-dominant hand

    If you’re used to doing things with your right hand, try using your left hand to accomplish simple tasks like brushing your teeth or using chopsticks. Switching to your non-dominant hand increases your brain activity because it forces you to concentrate on mastering the unfamiliar. The challenge stimulates the cerebral cortex, the part of our brain associated with memory, attention, and awareness.

  6. Listen to different kinds of music

    Everyone has their favorite type of music, but switching up your playlist helps you step out of your comfort zone and positively impacts how you go about your daily life.

  7. Keep a gratitude journal
    When you list down all that you’re thankful for on a daily basis, it compels you to look at areas in your daily life you may have taken for granted – and makes you realize the good they do to you. Researchers have found that the more grateful we are, the less prone we are to insomnia, anxiety attacks, or bouts of depression.
  8. Do simple tasks the hard way

    When it comes to simple computations, directions, and spell-checking, don’t let your apps do the heavy lifting. Figure out these simple tasks by yourself. Compute by longhand, turn-off the autocorrect function on your phone, ask someone for directions and figure out the streets or landmarks that will help you get to your destination.

  9. Play brain games and solve puzzles

    Brain teasers and brain puzzles are a fun and challenging way to stimulate the brain. Spend a few minutes every day solving a Sudoku or crossword puzzle. Scour the internet for brain teasers. Play chess to give your brain a workout.

  10. Meditate

    Meditation has plenty of health benefits, including reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing mindfulness. Begin your day by meditating and end your day the same way.

Enhance your brainpower with the help of WholeBody Solutions. Learn more about the different holistic services that we offer by calling 617.328.6300 today.

Understanding acupuncture: Treatment for insomnia and anxiety

When we toss and turn at night, or wake up after just an hour or so of sleep, chances are we suffer from insomnia. According to a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 25 % of Americans suffer from acute or short-term insomnia.

While the condition itself is a problem, dealing with insomnia can be just as stressful and challenging. People who suffer from insomnia often experience heightened moodiness, low energy, irritability, and a weak immune system.

There are a number of methods that can treat insomnia and anxiety, one of which is through acupuncture.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a natural and holistic method of treating a variety of physical and mental conditions. This 3,000-year old Chinese healing technique makes use of thin, sterile needles that are inserted into different acupuncture points in the body to unblock the meridians (or pathways) so that the body’s “chi” (or energy) flows freely. The procedure is gentle and painless to the patient.

The procedure provides long-term pain relief, improves bodily functions, and restores the body and mind’s balance.

Using acupuncture to treat insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that people experience when they have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep.

In holistic terms, insomnia is caused by an energy imbalance that blocks the usual flow of one’s bodily functions. Acupuncture helps restore this balance by naturally stimulating the body’s nerves, muscles, and tissues, which increases the flow of blood. Before an acupuncturist can start treating a patient with insomnia, they have to know the kind of symptoms you experience.

The most common symptoms of insomnia are:

Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep
Waking up in the middle of the night
Waking up too early in the morning
A health condition that causes sleeplessness

Once your acupuncturist knows your symptoms, they can identify which area of the body is the best placement for the acupuncture needles.

Using acupuncture to treat anxiety

Anxiety is a general type of mental disorder marked by excessive fear, worry, and nervousness. Ranging from mild to severe, anxiety can disrupt daily life because it affects the way one thinks, feels, and acts. While there are many different ways to deal with this common disorder, acupuncture is a natural alternative treatment.

Acupuncture stimulates the body’s brain and nervous system, which helps the patient feel more balanced. It also reduces erratic thought patterns and worry. Based on the symptoms you’re experiencing, a qualified acupuncturist will insert needles on specific points in your body. Your acupuncturist will also recommend self-help therapies you can do at home such as exercise, employing breathing techniques, and meditation.

When to go

The best time to go to a qualified acupuncturist is whenever you start feeling the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety. Since these conditions cannot be treated in one go, the number of recurring sessions may vary, depending on the severity of your symptoms and the recommendation of your acupuncturist.

For natural and holistic ways to treat your insomnia and anxiety, the acupuncturists at WholeBody Solutions can help. Learn more about our services by visiting our Acupuncture page. Or, give us a call at 617.328.6300.

7 benefits of chiropractic care for the seniors

Chiropractic care is beneficial to people of all ages, especially to the seniors. In fact, it has become a go-to treatment option for seniors enduring chronic pain.

Why is chiropractic care safe for the seniors?

Chiropractic care is a holistic and non-invasive approach to treating musculoskeletal pain.

As we age, our body loses strength and resiliency, causing a host of issues like chronic pain, decreased mobility, and weak muscles. There’s a common misconception that chiropractic care may be too much for a senior’s more delicate constitution. But this alternative treatment actually provides plenty of amazing benefits.

  1. Chiropractic care provides pain relief

    Arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and spinal bone spurs affect a senior’s ability to accomplish everyday tasks and lower their quality of life. Typically caused by subluxations or misalignments in the vertebrae, these pains can be addressed by chiropractic care, which entails adjusting and relieving the pressure felt in the spine.

  2. Chiropractic care restores balance and coordination

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in four adults aged 65 and over will fall. This statistic translates to 29 million falls, three million visits to the emergency room, and 800,000 hospital confinements. Falls are caused by balance problems, poor strength, and muscle weakness caused by chronic pain and chronic diseases. Chiropractic care can prevent future accidents by realigning and adjusting the spine.

  3. Chiropractic care improves mobility and flexibility

    Aside from restoring balance and coordination, chiropractic care can help older adults achieve a better range of motion. Relieving pain allows seniors to go about their daily activities. To improve mobility and flexibility, a chiropractor will perform various spinal adjustments and recommend corrective exercises.

  4. Chiropractic care strengthens the spine

    The condition of our spinal cord affects our mobility, nervous system, and digestive system. That’s why it’s important for older adults to maintain the health of their spine. The range of adjustments performed by a chiropractor helps strengthen the spine and correct any problems.

  5. Chiropractic care improves posture

    Although a stooped posture may be associated with old age, it doesn’t have to be. If left untreated, poor posture can lead to lower back pain, poor blood circulation, and poor digestion. Chiropractic care corrects any postural imbalances through adjustments on the spine, therefore improving the way an older person carries themselves.

  6. Chiropractic care enhances the quality of sleep

    A good night’s sleep boosts the immune system, improves memory and concentration, and keeps people alert during the day. Chiropractic care can combat insomnia and general sleep disturbances experienced by the seniors by reducing pain in the neck, back, and legs.

  7. Chiropractic care improves overall health and well-being

    With the right chiropractic care and exercise, older people can continue to improve the quality of their lives even as they enter their golden years. Chiropractic care does not just treat musculoskeletal pain; it also helps keep the seniors physically and mentally healthy.

Learn more about Whole Body Solutions’ chiropractic treatments and adjustments visiting our Chiropractic page. Or, give us a call at 617.328.6300.

Superfoods to Improve Digestive Health

Taking these superfoods can drastically improve digestive health.

  1. Kale

    Bitter greens like kale and endives can make it easier for your digestive system to break down certain foods more efficiently, thereby increasing the number of nutrients that your body absorbs. The bitter taste of this superfood stimulates the secretion of enzymes and juices that aid in the digestion process.

    Kale can be enjoyed raw in smoothies, juices, and salads. It can also be added to casseroles and soups.

  2. Turmeric

    Turmeric and its active component, curcumin, are also helpful for digestive health. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and

    Ayurvedic medicine for digestive support. It is commonly used in Indian curries and can be added to soups, casseroles, and sauces. It can also be taken in tea form.

    Turmeric tea, in addition, can help lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, and ease arthritis symptoms.

  3. Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar offers digestive support by relieving indigestion. It can also reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels. For good results, take two to three teaspoons mixed with a glass of water before meals. You can also add it to salad dressing.

  4. Almonds

    If you’re in the mood for a quick snack, swap the chips for a bag of almonds. A handful of almonds will keep you full between meals, as well as promote inner health by stimulating the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Eating about 30 grams of this popular tree nut every day can give your dietary fiber intake a boost, encouraging regular bowel movement.

  5. Jicama

    This root vegetable is grown in Central America and can provide as much as 25% of your daily dietary fiber intake. It can also give you a boost of inulin which acts as a prebiotic and a natural fiber that can increase the number of good bacteria in your gut. The good bacteria, in turn, produce substances that lower the gut’s pH level, making it a less hospitable environment for bad bacteria.

  6. Maqui berries

    These berries are native to Chile and can be consumed as fresh fruit, or in juice and supplement form. Maqui berries offer a substantial amount of nutritional content like flavonoids, ellagic acid, and anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

  7. Strawberries

    If you’ve had too much to drink, try snacking on some strawberries – these can help soothe mucous membranes that have been irritated by alcohol. These can also strengthen your immune system since a cup of strawberries provides a whopping 160% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake.

  8. Bone Broth

    Not only is bone broth easily digested, it’s also healing to the gut. It contains immune optimizing components that are essential to the treatment of autoimmune diseases. It is rich in collagen, which decreases intestinal inflammation and heals the gut lining.

  9. Moringa

    Moringa is packed with calcium, protein, beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. It is also high in fiber which aids the digestion process. Its isothiocyanates have anti-bacterial properties that can help eliminate H. pylori, a kind of bacteria implicated in ulcers, gastric cancer, and gastritis.

  10. Chia seeds

    Two tablespoons of chia seeds can contain as much as 10 grams of fiber. These seeds are also an excellent source of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals that can soothe gastrointestinal disturbances.

For safe, natural, and effective remedies to the most common health concerns, call Dr. Ann Doggett at 617-328-6300.

10 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Chiropractor

Thinking of taking your child to the chiropractor? Here are 10 reasons why you should do it.

  1. Their bodies are growing

    When children are properly aligned, their bodies can grow the way they’re supposed to, in the absence of extra pressure on their muscles and bones. Children encounter many physical stresses in their growing years and problems in the spine can occur at just about any point in their growth and development. Regular chiropractic care can help address or prevent many of these problems.

  2. It helps strengthen the immune system

    Regular chiropractic care helps put the body in top shape, allowing the immune system to work more effectively. This is especially helpful for children who have immature immune systems and ensures that they function as best as they can.

  3. It provides relief from certain illnesses

    When a child is sick with sinus congestion or an earache, a chiropractic adjustment can help drain fluid from the ears. Proper alignment also helps the support system work more effectively, helping your child recover from illness more quickly.

  4. They play hard

    Children who play rough will benefit from regular adjustments. Regular adjustments help ensure that your child is not harming themselves and that they are able to use their body to its maximum potential. Active children especially need chiropractic treatment, as it can restore them to health when they injure themselves from playing sports.

  5. It helps them sleep better

    When a child’s body has proper alignment, they can enjoy a better night’s sleep. A chiropractic adjustment can ensure that your baby does not have any pain or tension that they are unable to communicate except through crying.

  6. It helps ease colic

    Trauma from birth can cause the first nerve compromise in a child. Colic is severe abdominal pain caused by intestinal gas or an obstruction in the intestines. Spinal manipulation has been shown to help relieve colic in babies, as well as decrease the amount of crying they make.

  7. It can improve concentration

    Misaligned vertebrae in children cause more tension on their nervous systems and chronic nervous system interference in the upper neck region can sometimes cause concentration and behavioral issues. Chiropractic care and a proper diet can help address this problem.

  8. It helps with asthma

    Chiropractic treatment can correct misaligned and pinched nerves that affect the lungs, diaphragm, and bronchial tubes. These adjustments can help lessen asthma issues in children, reducing the need for medications, lowering the incidence of asthma attacks, and allow for better breathing.

  9. It increases breastfeeding success

    Babies can undergo trauma during birth. When their shoulders and necks are misaligned, they may experience pain when trying to breastfeed. Some mothers can only breastfeed their babies successfully on one side, while others may not be able to breastfeed at all. Proper alignment can increase breastfeeding success.

  10. It helps with digestive issues

    Chiropractic treatment is effective in relieving digestive issues in infants, particularly those suffering from infrequent bowel movements and constipation. Minor and severe misalignments in the spine can interfere with their nerves’ capacity to control digestion properly. Chiropractic adjustments can result in significant improvements.

For safe and effective chiropractic care, call Dr. Ann Doggett at 617-328-6300.

10 Alternatives to Your Favorite Unhealthy Food

Feeling peckish? Here are some delicious alternatives to your favorite unhealthy snacks.

  1. Dark chocolate

    Chocolate tastes good, but the majority of commercial chocolate bars contain large amounts of calories, saturated fats, and refined sugars. If you really need your chocolate fix, swap your usual chocolate bars for organic, milk-free dark chocolate to make sure you’re getting flavonoids which are good for the heart.

  2. Sweet potato wedges

    Next time you feel like munching on some fries, try baked or roasted sweet potato wedges instead. Fries are high in calories, sodium, and trans fats. A large box can contain as much as 500 to 600 calories. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are an excellent source of antioxidants.

  3. Dried fruit

    Before you reach for that candy bar, consider having some dried fruit instead. Candy is loaded with refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and palm oil, offering nothing but empty calories. Dried fruit can satisfy your cravings, while at the same time they can give you a good dose of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  4. Tea

    A can of soda can contain an equivalent of eight to ten teaspoons of sugar. Drinking excessive amounts can cause cavities and insulin resistance, as well as put you at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

    By comparison, tea contains no refined sugars and is rich in antioxidants. You can also sweeten it to your liking with stevia, a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the plant, stevia rebaudiana.

  5. Natural peanut butter

    Natural peanut butter is free of added sugars, stabilizers, and soy protein, making it a great snack option. It’s an excellent source of protein and healthy fats and goes well with bananas, apples, and celery. Products bearing the labels “natural” and “butter” should contain 90% peanuts with no artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives.

    Peanut butter, in general, contains mono- and polyunsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol levels. Products that don’t have an added stabilizer are trans fat-free.

  6. Kale chips

    Another healthy alternative to potato chips would be kale chips that can be bought pre-made or fresh to bake at home. What you get is a crunchy snack that contains as little as 100 calories, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, and 9 grams of fat. This superfood is also rich in iron and antioxidants.

  7. Oatmeal

    Swap sugary cereals for a bowl of oatmeal. Most varieties of cereal sold in the markets are jam-packed with sugar and often lack fiber. Oats are rich in nutrients and fiber that make you feel full for a longer time. This healthy substitute can help lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and educe your risk of heart disease.

  8. Hummus

    Hummus is typically made with chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, garlic, and lemon juice. Its main ingredient, chickpeas, is quite healthy – a single cup contains 269 calories, 15 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, and 12 grams of fiber. It’s also an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, iron, folate, manganese, and vitamin B6.

  9. Dairy-free coconut yogurt

    Ice cream is a wonderful treat, but it is essentially frozen fat and sugar. Dairy-free coconut yogurt contains probiotics and fermented sugars that bring a good dose of healthy bacteria to the gut and help regulate digestive health.

  10. Almonds

    Portable and convenient, you can keep a bag of almonds in your bag, car, or office drawer. These nuts contain protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Almonds are also rich in magnesium, riboflavin, and vitamin E – in fact, it contains the highest amount of fiber, riboflavin, vitamin E, and calcium among all nuts.

For natural, safe, and effective solutions to health concerns, get in touch with Dr. Ann Doggett at 617-328-6300.

Are Green Juices Effective in Weight Loss?

Weight management is a major concern for those who want to stay healthy. Losing weight lowers the risk for disease and enhances your overall well-being. While juicing contains the nutrients found in the fruits and veg you liquefy, how effective is it when it comes to weight loss management?

Let’s take a close look at the benefits of green juice and decide if it helps you shed pounds

What’s in a green juice?

A veggie-heavy green juice can deliver up to 20% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin  A and 36% of potassium. Some store-bought varieties contain 4 grams of protein and 12 grams of natural sugar. Making your own at home can net you more nutrients, and less sugar.

Green juices are also healthier than fruit juices and smoothies. With fruit blends, the crushing motion of the machine allows sugar to get into the bloodstream faster in the absence of fiber. That’s not an issue with vegetable-derived drinks.

Studies also suggest that juices made with green leafy vegetables like kale can lower your risk of developing diabetes.

Green juices can also be made with spinach, cucumber, celery, wheatgrass, barley grass, and broccoli. You can include smaller portions of fruit, like green apple or lime, to add some flavor.

If you don’t have a juicer, a blender can also do the job.

The Benefits of Green Juice

Green juice allows the body to absorb a high concentration of nutrients in one go. It’s a boon for those with fast-paced lifestyles, and it’s in sync with dining trends that lean towards healthier options. Green juice is easy to prepare, quick to consume, and a breeze to carry around. Moreover, the introduction of new brands and recipes allows for greater variety.

These nutrient-rich juices are ideal for those who believe in preventive healthcare, as well as those in search of healthier alternatives to sugary beverages like soda and frappe.

Can green juice aid in weight loss?

Green juices can aid in healthy and gradual weight loss. Just make sure that you don’t scrimp on your daily recommended intake of protein and fiber.

  • Easy digestion. Drinking your greens instead of eating them makes for easier digestion. You will be able to include more vegetables in your drink than you can consume raw in one sitting.
  • Reduced cravings. Green juices can help curb your cravings for sweets and processed snacks. By getting the majority of the nutrients you need from juices, your body won’t be sending signals to your brain that it needs more food. You’ll find yourself eating less of the unhealthy stuff, which can aid in weight loss.
  • Energy boost. A bottle of green juice can give you a jolt of energy. Getting the recommended daily amount of vitamins will keep you from feeling sluggish and dull. Use the energy boost to motivate yourself to work, play, and work out.

Overall, we recommend eating real whole food for true health. While we don’t consider green juice good for cleansing, it can be a great addition of nutrients in a person’s diet.

Do you think it’s time for a body cleanse? WholeBody Solutions offers a range of safe and holistic solutions. Get in touch with us at 617-328-6300.

Dr. Ann’s and the Team’s Favorite Ways to Exercise

The physical and mental benefits of exercise are well-documented. However, if our fitness regimen becomes too rote, we may lose our motivation to work out. Let’s prevent boredom from settling in by switching up our routine. Consider incorporating the following programs in your daily workout schedule. They’re among some of Dr. Ann’s and our team’s favorite ways to get and stay fit.

  1. Indoor cycling
  2. If the weather outside is frightful, indoor cycling is the answer. You get all the benefits of biking outdoors without having to contend with the environment.

    Why it’s good: Indoor cycling effectively burns calories, builds muscle, and promotes cardiovascular health. Best of all, you can set your own pace. Each ride can be adjusted to your needs and capabilities.

    Side benefit: Joining a spinning class can be rewarding in and of itself. It brings people of all fitness levels together so you won’t feel shy or out of place. You’ll meet new people, observe the form of the more advanced cyclists, and get motivated. You become more than just a group of cyclists – you become a team.

  3. Barre and cardio fusion
  4. A barre-based program incorporates classic ballet postures, as well as elements of yoga and Pilates. The barre itself is a waist-level horizontal bar on which ballet dancers prop themselves up during classes. The focus of the workout is isometric training and a small range of motion exercises.

    Why it’s good: It builds strength, endurance, and flexibility. Aside from promoting core stability, it also emphasizes mind-body connection as it requires you to focus on the muscles that are working. It’s a great way to clear your head and turn down the noise in your day-to-day life.

    Take it a step further: Adding a vital cardio component to your usual barre-based workout can help you slim down and sculpt muscle. High-intensity moves interspersed with brief periods of active recovery will get your heart racing.

  5. Yoga
  6. Yoga is primarily a spiritual practice, but the physical discipline required to achieve the postures it prescribes for effective meditation has made it a fitness favorite.

    Why it’s good: Yoga postures such as the triangle pose, standing bow, balancing stick, and standing head to knee are a mild form of exercise. Incorporating some of the more challenging standing and balancing poses can intensify your session. You can also do small adjustments, such as quick-stepping or jumping into different positions, instead of transitioning slowly.

    Side benefit: Practicing yoga on a regular basis can complement your fitness regimen by improving treadmill endurance, balance, and muscle strength and control. The mental health benefits of yoga are also unparalleled, helping reduce anxiety and stress.

  7. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  8. HIIT has been around for a while, but new methods are being developed. The 3-3-3 total body workout, for one, uses a combination of power, strength, and stability moves to whip you into shape. As the name suggests, the workout begins with a brief but dynamic warm-up, followed by three mini circuits that consist of three moves each.

  9. Rowing
  10. Rowing has been gaining so much traction that some fitness buffs are calling it “the new spinning.” When done correctly, rowing utilizes up to 85% of your muscles. It’s a low-impact, high-intensity workout with intervals on the rower followed by strength exercises on the mat. Rowing regularly can lead to increased endurance and gradual weight loss.

Be the best version of yourself. Call us at 617-328-6300 for safe and natural solutions to your health concerns.

7 Tips for Getting Better and More Restful Sleep

Sleep plays a key role in the repair of blood vessels and the heart. It’s also essential to mental health – it allows us to process information and consolidate our memories.

If you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep, here’s how to feel more rested upon waking.

1. Follow a Sleep Schedule

Try to stay in sync with your circadian rhythm, or your natural sleep-wake cycle. If the nature of your work does not allow you to follow your circadian clock, then the least you can do is to get in and out of bed at the same time each day.

You can alter this sleep schedule by an hour or two, but avoid sleeping in on weekends, no matter how tempting.

2. Limit Light and Sound Exposure

Melatonin, a naturally-occurring hormone that regulates your sleep cycle, is affected by exposure to artificial light after dusk. The brain secretes more of the hormone when it’s dark, making your feel more sleepy, so it’s crucial to avoid late night binge watching or scrolling through your phone just as you tuck in. Don’t read from a backlit screen and use heavy curtains to block out the light.

Some individuals are more sensitive to sound than others. But even if noise doesn’t rouse you from sleep, it can still affect your sleep cycle –studies suggest that even low-level noise can have health repercussions. There is also some evidence that links sleep disturbance with cardiovascular disease.

Common sources of noise include road traffic, pets, home appliances, and your partner’s snoring. Wearing earplugs and making sure the windows and doors are properly insulated can help reduce sound exposure.

3. Set the Mood

Try to make your bedroom as comfortable as possible. Change the sheets regularly, bring in lots of soft pillows, and make sure your mattress is in good shape. Adjust your temperature settings. You might also have to take out sources of light and noise, such as TVs and phones.

4. Exercise Regularly

Daily exercise makes you feel more awake during the day and sleepier at night. It helps combat sleep apnea and insomnia. It also extends the length of time you spend in the restorative stages of sleep. Vigorous exercise comes with better sleep benefits, though light exercise can still improve sleep quality.

5. Limit your Nicotine and Caffeine Intake

Caffeine can cause sleep difficulties, so take your coffee early in the day – the substance can affect your ability to fall and stay asleep within 10 to 12 hours of drinking it. Smoking is another stimulant that must be avoided before bedtime.

Other things to avoid near bedtime include alcohol, sugar, excess liquids, and heavy meals.

6. Clear your head

An overactive mind can keep you from having a good night’s sleep. If residual stress and intrusive thoughts are keeping you up at night, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, visualization, and meditation. You might also benefit from a stress management program if problems at school, work, or relationships are keeping you awake.

Other things to avoid near bedtime include alcohol, sugar, excess liquids, and heavy meals.

7. Supplement with quality supplements and herbs

We have whole foods based supplements and herbs that are effective and natural in attaining overall well being, including sleep! Call us to find out what will work best for you.

WholeBody Solutions offers a host of drug-free services to help you achieve optimal health. Call 617-328-6300 for safe and natural solutions to your health concerns.

5 Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most popular forms of alternative treatment. It has been practiced for centuries in China where it originated. Acupuncture became popular in the US and other Western countries only in the latter part of the 20th century.

Acupuncture has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a viable treatment for over 25 conditions. Several studies have pointed to this method’s healing and therapeutic benefits, and some have shown that its effectiveness is grounded in science.

Here are 5 great benefits:

  1. Acupuncture relieves headaches and migraines
  2. Acupuncture needles are usually placed around the face, neck, and scalp to relieve headaches or migraines. Your acupuncture professional will position around 5-20 needles at different pressure points while looking for the area that has the most effective response to the treatment.

    As the needles come in contact with small blood vessels, blood flow increases and endorphins are released. Endorphins act as a natural painkiller and can relieve headaches instantaneously.

  3. Acupuncture relieves persistent pain
  4. Acupuncture helps relieve chronic neck, back, and knee pain and eliminates the common side effects of persistent pain like soreness, tense muscles, and headaches. Again, acupuncture needles are placed at different pressure points to stimulate the flow of blood and to release endorphins.

    Arthritis is another type of chronic pain that can be treated with acupuncture. Needles are placed all over the body and not just around the area where the joint pain is felt. The treatment also reduces the joint inflammation that’s symptomatic of arthritis.

  5. Acupuncture helps you sleep better
  6. Acupuncture reduces instances of insomnia. Treatments increase the production of nocturnal melatonin, a chemical that helps you sleep. It also promotes uninterrupted sleep throughout the night.

  7. Acupuncture helps your digestive system
  8. Acupuncture helps the digestive system break down food more easily which results in improved metabolism and the drastic reduction, if not total elimination, of constipation, bloating, and heartburn. Getting rid of blockages in your digestive system increases the flow of energy in areas of the body that need it.

  9. Acupuncture treats anxiety
  10. Studies have been shown that acupuncture can help reduce anxiety without medication. Acupuncture slows down the production of the stress hormone, cortisol. It also works to restore the balance and energy in the body. Patients report that just after one session of acupuncture, they already feel relaxed and in a better state of mind.

Check out our Holistic Acupuncture page to read about the holistic, natural approach to wellness by WholeBody Solutions. The goal of our acupuncture treatments is to improve both physical and spiritual health by putting into balance the body’s own ability to heal itself.

For more information on the benefits and effects of acupuncture, check out the following blog posts:

You can also call WholeBody Solutions at 617-328-6300 for safe and natural solutions to your health concerns.

Our goal is simple – to make sick people well and to help more people enjoy the many benefits of living a healthier lifestyle.

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